Board Workshop

Board Workshop

Friday, October 26, 2018


Time Topic Presenter Credit
8:15-9:15 Academic Accountability Laura Kelly 60 Minutes
Accountability Other
9:15-10:15 School Finance Dr. Bruce Marchand

60 Minutes
School Finance

10:15-11:15 Accountability for Public Funds Laura Kelly 60 Minutes
Accountability for Public Funds
Awards Luncheon 
1:15-1:45 Health & Safety Christine Nishimura  30 Minutes
Health & Safety
1:45-2:45 Open Meetings Christine Nishimura  60 Minutes
Open Meetings
2:45-3:15 Public Records Christine Nishimura 60 Minutes
Public Records
3:15-4:15 Duties of Governance Board Christine Nishimura

60 Minutes
School Law


Board members will receive six hours of Commissioner’s Credit training for content aligned with the Texas Education Agency’s training requirements for board members.

Please note that returning board members must receive six hours of Commissioner’s Credit training annually while new board members in their first year of service must earn an initial twelve hours of training credit in the categories specified in 19 TAC 100.1102 to satisfy board training requirements.

TCSA is a TEA Authorized Provider of governance board training for Texas public charter schools as well as independent school districts. Sessions will be offered in Academic Accountability, School Finance, Accountability for Public Funds, Health and Safety, Open Meetings, Public Records, and Duties of Governance Board Members.

Academic Accountability 2018-19

This session will assist board members in understanding the 2018-19 Academic Accountability System, including the implementation of the A-F rating system and the Charter Schools Performance Framework.

School Finance 2018-19

School finance is not complicated if you know the basics! This session will focus on helping board members understand the funding sources for charter schools, the components of the Foundation School Program for 2018-19, how the state determines a school’s funding, how the state distributes revenue, and the components of a school’s Summary of Finance worksheet.

Accountability for Public Funds

Board members attending this session will learn about their fiduciary responsibilities and duty to oversee the proper spending of state and federal funds. Attendees will learn about board reports they should be seeing on a monthly and quarterly basis, the role of the board on the financial audit, the school’s annual Financial and Compliance Report and Charter FIRST.

Health and Safety

Board members will receive the latest information in regards to health and safety codes, ordinances, and other laws applicable to operating a Texas public school, as well as laws related to student discipline, safe schools, required reporting of child abuse, and criminal background checks.

Open Meetings

This session will help board members understand how to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA). Board members will understand what constitutes a board meeting, define timelines for posting board meeting agendas, and what can be discussed and recorded in a closed session of the board. The session will also discuss how board members can attend meetings virtually and when an emergency board meeting may be called.

Public Records

This session will assist board members in understanding the charter district and campus’ responsibility for public records. Board members will learn how and when to provide public information to requestors and when a request can be denied as a result of an exemption from the Attorney General’s office. Board members will learn what information is protected for students under FERPA and what employee information is protected under HIPAA.

Duties of Governance Board Members

This session will focus on governance board member duties and liabilities, non-delegable duties, nepotism, conflicts of interest, management companies, appropriate roles concerning internal and external audits, and the legal requirements specific to members of the governing body of a charter holder.


Texas Public Charter Schools Association
3005 S Lamar Blvd Ste D-447
Austin, Texas 78704-8864

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